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What a fantastic year we have had! The scholars entered in August, shy, quiet, yet inquisitive. Now it is June and they are confident, well rounded, smarter, and even more inquisitive, eager for the challenges of first grade.

During the year we explored many areas of learning. We worked in cooperative groups, which helped us to learn from each other and most importantly, we learned how to work peacefully together and get along with each other. We read books and produced book reports; wrote poetry and participated in a poetry café for our parents. We read Fancy Nancy books and had a Fancy Word celebration. We performed many experiments in science, some edible. In social studies and science, we conducted numerous STEM projects. It was so exciting trying to reconstruct the vessels, tables, and a turkey hideaway used by the Pilgrims as they settled in the new country. We made Stone Soup, applesauce, butter, ice cream, and orange soda. We used food to construct several 3D objects. We can go on and on about all of the exciting, challenging, and adventurous learning that took place this year in Kindergarten.

First Grade

First grade has been working hard our last quarter. The students worked on habitat dioramas and shared them with the grade level. They were all very creative. We also went to ImaginOn for our last field trip of the year, to see Madagascar the Musical. The play was entertaining and interactive! This has been a wonderful and successful school year! Remember to read over the summer, and stop by to visit us next year!

Second Grade

In the begining of the 4th quarter we were swamped with DIBELS testing. This included reading hard books and doing complicated comprehension quizzes. The second thing we did that was exciting was our culture projects. Some students completed theirs on India and others did theirs on Japan and Native Americans. In the culture project we presented to the parents of Ms. Joy's class and Mrs. Metcalf's class. We had to produce seven facts about the culture and a four paragraph essay. The last thing we did that was fun was field. We got wet and did "LIMBO" where you have to go under a bar without touching it. By Lola Ogunwale & Avyan Amrith

Third Grade

Third grade had a wonderful last quarter of in Miss Hartmann's and Mrs. Head's classrooms! We conquered our first EOGs, studied geography and plants, and took part in various math challenges such as Hands on Equations. We analyzed and wrote poetry, publishing books to honor our mothers! Our last literature circle of the year was based on mystery books! Please be on the lookout for a list of helpful summer hints in our end of year classroom newsletter. We can't wait to see our scholars back as fourth graders this August! 

Fourth Grade

Fourth Grade had a very busy quarter! They participated in a Living Wax Museum in honor of Black History Month. The students did an amazing job with the portrayal of their chosen person. They also traveled to Raleigh to complement our government unit and learned about state government function and learned about their rights as citizens and how our state government runs. Third quarter also included many novels studies and a plethora of fraction work! We also learned about MyPlate and healthy eating choices.

Fifth Grade

5th Grade Talent Development had a FANTASTIC Fourth Quarter. We actually had FUN preparing for our Science EOG with a grade level quiz each week for every topic we studied this year (And our EOG scores show just how much we learned!). We also had some cool hands on learning about Force and Motion on our field trip to the NASCAR Hall of Fame. Our favorite time of the week though is MAKERSPACE. It is a time for us to be creative with everything from magnetic blocks, 3 D pens, electrical engineering, green screen, coding with Ollie, SPHERO SPK Ball and 3BB8, embroidery, origami and lots of building with Kynex and Legos. Arts and crafts was a big hit and led to our Repurposing Fashion Show that was bursting with creativity! Our 5th graders are excited and ready for Middle School but will miss the learning fun that made Barringer the BEST elementary school!

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